Our Testing Process - Centra Diagnostics
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Our Testing Process

The leader in transparent testing and diagnostics.

Overview of Centra’s Testing Process: What to Expect

Our testing process is simple, yet streamlined, to ensure convenience and optimal results. Centra will provide a dedicated account representative to assist with onboarding your facility to ensure a seamless process. While our IT team is working on your electronic medical records (EMR) integration, our team will visit your facility to train each staff member on sample collection, requisition completion, and pick-up scheduling. 

Your dedicated account manager is required to visit your facility a minimum of twice per month to ensure all work and tasks are completed with the utmost of integrity. Once your integration is complete, we will return and assist with submitting your requisitions.

After 24 hours, when your results are uploaded to your EMR, our team will walk through each result in detail with every staff member who has access, answering questions and explaining the fundamentals. Understanding your results reports is important because our high-complexity process considers each patient’s overall health, diet, and metabolism, creating the industry’s most customized and accurate results.



For more complex cases—such as possible contamination, dilution, or water loading—our toxicologist will contact your provider directly to determine the specimen’s validity.


For more information, contact us today to speak with one of our specialists.



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